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PACS as FPOs: A Game Changer for Farmer Empowerment

Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) have been the backbone of rural credit for decades. With the evolving agricultural landscape, transforming PACS into Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) can unlock new opportunities for farmers, ensuring better market access, financial stability, and collective bargaining power.

Why PACS Should Evolve into FPOs

  1. Enhanced Market Linkages
    As FPOs, PACS can help farmers aggregate their produce and directly connect with larger markets, processors, and exporters, eliminating middlemen and ensuring better price realization.
  2. Diversified Income Streams
    Beyond credit, PACS functioning as FPOs can engage in input procurement, storage, processing, and value addition, creating new revenue opportunities for farmers.
  3. Access to Government Support
    The government and NABARD offer financial assistance, subsidies, and training for FPOs. Converting PACS into FPOs makes them eligible for funding and policy benefits, ensuring long-term sustainability.
  4. Improved Financial Viability
    By operating as FPOs, PACS can leverage collective buying power to reduce input costs for farmers while also increasing profits through bulk selling and direct trade.
  5. Capacity Building & Professional Management
    Strengthening governance, adopting modern business practices, and integrating digital platforms will help PACS-FPOs function efficiently and compete in organized markets.

The Way Forward

Transitioning PACS into FPOs requires policy support, capacity-building programs, and financial assistance. Institutions like APCOB CTI play a key role in training PACS members on business planning, marketing strategies, and financial management.

By embracing this transformation, PACS can evolve from mere lenders to powerful agribusiness entities, driving rural prosperity and farmer empowerment. 🚜🌱

APCOB CTI remains committed to supporting PACS in this journey towards becoming sustainable and successful FPOs.

About Author

APCOB CTI has a distinguished history of advancing the cooperative sector through its dedicated trainings.

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